Research Software
Researchers utilize various software as part of their research. CQUniversity’s researchers and RHD students can access software by:
If you have a CQUniveristy computer, most of the software can be downloaded through the application named Company Portal which is installed on your computer, otherwise please follow the links listed below:
A link the CQUniversity’s Research software and downloads can be found at This includes information about Endnote, Qualtrics, Microsoft and a list of free software.
- Endnote: It is a software for bibliographic database management and can be used to store citation data.
- Qualtrics: it is a software that can be used to analyze and provide insights on data.
- SPSS: It is a software to undertake statistical operations obtain valuable information from research data. You can use it via Company Portal or Remote Deskstop.
Alternatively, you can use Remote Desktop to access some of the software at your personal computer.
If you are still facing issues accessing any software please contact Technology and Services Assistance Centre (TaSAC):
Phone: 07 4930 9090 or 1300 666 620
International: 61 7 4930 9090
Fax: 07 4930 9254