HPC Software – Virtualisation and Containers
Singularity is a container platform. It allows you to create and run containers that package up pieces of software in a way that is portable and reproducible. You can build a container using Singularity on your laptop, and then run it on many of the largest HPC clusters in the world, local university or company clusters, a single server, in the cloud, or on a workstation down the hall. Your container is a single file, and you don’t have to worry about how to install all the software you need on each different operating system and system. [https://sylabs.io/guides/3.5/user-guide/introduction.html – March 2020] |
Available versions and module name2.3 (singularity-2.3)2.5.1 (singularity-2.5.1)3.2.1 (singularity-3.2.1)3.5.3 (singularity-3.5.3 or singularity) | Default version available3.5.3 | Website https://sylabs.io/docs/ |
If you would like to use the older versions of the compilers, or other available software, you can simply “unload” the current module and load the older version. See Software Module Information webpage.