CQUniversity Research Data Storage
Before we can setup an allocation on the dedicated research storage system (research data share that is accessible via the network), we require a Research Data Management Plan to be created.
If you have saved a Research Data Management Plan in Data Manager (datamanager.cqu.edu.au), you will be sent an email to notify that your research data share has been created within a week.
You and your collaborators should use this research data share to store your research data and related files. It is a requirement that a master copy of all research data be saved on your research data share.
To be able to access your research data shares, you must authenticate using your CQUni staff/affiliate account. For Research Higher Degree (RHD) students, if you do not have a staff/affiliate account, please contact the office of School of Graduate Research (Email: sgr@cqu.edu.au )
For accessing research data shares when not on campus or connected to university network, including Wi-Fi (eduroam), you will be needed to use CQUniversity’s ‘VPN’ software. Installation instructions can be found at: https://staffnet.cqu.edu.au/our-uni/departments/iatd/Pages/VPN.aspx
To map your research data storage to your computer (Windows or Mac), instructions can be found at: https://staffnet.cqu.edu.au/our-uni/departments/iatd/Documents/Research%20Network%20Data%20Share%20Mapping.pdf